Finding my voice again

Poet Seamus Heaney and artist Erykah Badu help you find your voice

A little while ago, I wrote a post about finding your voice. Somewhat ironically, at that time I was unable to find the article which I based my entire idea on. Now I’m not sure if this is a sign from the Universe, but after having lost it for a few years, I just stumbled across it again! 😜

It’s a lecture by Seamus Heaney called ‘Feeling into Words’ which he gave at the Royal Society of Literature in Oct ‘74.

It’s a wonderful piece, well worth reading especially if you’re into poetry as I am, but I feel it applies equally well to any art practice. The key thing that stuck with me is this:

‘I wish to suggest that there is a connection between the core of a poet’s speaking voice and his discovered style.’

(Yes, I’ve always found that male pronoun a bit off-putting but the message is still sound.)

I recently saw a clip of Erykah Badu saying something along the lines of ‘do what comes easiest to you’ which I think is another way of saying the same thing.

So, what am I going to do with this unearthed re-realisation about making art? More illustration, more writing, more putting myself out there.

See you down the park!


Interested in commissioning or working with me? Get in touch via email at

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(or my practice page on where I post sketches, life drawings, paintings, that kind of thing.)


An apple to start the year